
On the beach dresses

اپریل 25, 2017 3 min

On the beach dresses

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Bottom Jan

Referred to navigate only on clothing, where there are beaches in the world, but there are also set some rules, there are rules and laws such as the stare is prohibited, without photography allowed, openly proximity limits and for us it might be fun, but there naked person is the "privacy” that claims the right to privacy. It does not even mean displeasure to unauthorized interference in each other’s activities and engagements that if they step outside the beach boundaries and is thus deemed to be on their clothing. "Fortunately” From our ocean is but no beach though not in enmity, resentment and anger that flight of imagination in our society is so high that we have drawn a map of the opponents personality scene of naked shores of Europe offers. It clothed the political, the social and administrative efficiency buck stops on our constitutional institutions and departments. But perhaps we as Europe’s shores here is left to be ashamed of her naked and large brazen and shameful not only off each other’s clothes in the street intersection with continued looting and noise in this case have been.
The hue and cry if it has begun to feel the glow of a festival. Even the few organizations are calling others instead of looking at yourself naked. Perhaps it is a process of accountability. Institutions and individuals who are exposed shortcomings and crimes of a naked man but what it means to be exposed to. Finding the accused guilty in the crowd seems implausible. Then shame on clothes and so far they could demand a high turban and hair oil on the head and tell him just fashion. With this demonstration of political and social institutions nudity People have started. The beach is a sea of ​​corruption Ning drng People are roaming the various groups that mnagty reckoning on his clothing alone to their opponents. Which was calculated to be separate from the team or group was weak. Reading clothed lay public a novel at the beach is titled "The Godfather,” the story of a character who srbra a mafia king and who believe that wealth is a story of crime behind Man is printed.
Godfather is a favorite character of the people and if the people yearn to be closer to a role in your life. The famous novel and his character has recently come to a judicial decision. If a character come in real life, people do not value judgments but the novel character. If I would be a novelist Mario pozo "stood as the gardfadr” and the selection of the judges who have read the novel to disqualify the novel’s hero on the beach. Now more people will want to read the novel after dissenting note. But he’s not novel dissenting note in the market. It was just that people choose their leaders like the famous character of the novel is a powerful person who could not calculate four flats in London. Ie if they give a four flats in London might be eligible to become a judge. Father of four flats and guard status only problem? If Mario pozo and abused its novel character. Bay Shore on clothes does not mean that you are wrong, and nothing would have set his novel of the same quality.
I said that I was indeed out gingerly inside. Attention is then repeated to Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s personality if it is used as the language of Bhutto and what she eats sweets. At least when the general was not allowed to candidacy uniform dictator like or ISI funds distributed to senior officials of the confessions in charge of the investigation and the Asghar Khan case of treason to the Constitution Musharraf should also form a JIT (or may still become a) a performance report is presented before the court every two weeks.
Opposition parties are also proud of her naked. JIT is the presence of military intelligence (ISI) and Military Intelligence representatives of the Supreme Court ruling is a slap in the face of politicians and political parties.
It must be that Parliament will also include ISI and MI delegates to a constitutional amendment by the regulatory acts of the chief judges of the Supreme Judicial Council. Kudary of world political leaders and parties that are presented to them by military officers had no objection to responding to alleged corruption. A court order


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